Constitutional courts and transnational solidarity conflicts

The research project reconstructs conflicts over distribution and recognition within the EU, which have intensified during the Eurozone-crisis, as transnational solidarity conflicts. It analyzes particularly the role national and European constitutional courts play in these conflicts.

Conflict and conflict resolution

The Eurozone crisis is accompanied by a politicization of European governance. Transnational solidarity conflicts, which were pacified for a long time within the paradigm of a permissive consensus, have now developed a new quality. The tsc-project analyzes how these conflicts might be articulated and if constitutional courts may resolve them productively.

Research material

The research projects deals with the role of constitutional and apex courts in Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain as well as on the EU-level. It analyzes more than 100 judgements with regard to their management of transnational solidarity conflicts in the context of the Eurozone crisis.

Research aims

The tsc-project pursues three research aims: (1) to describe the dynamics of transnational solidarity conflicts and the institutional possibilities of their articulation; (2) to understand the consequences of tsc in the deep structures of national constitutional law; (3) to provide a normative yardstick for the role of constitutional courts in tsc.


The research project is affiliated at the Goethe-University Frankfurt and will be conducted in an intensive collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg. It was launched on the 1st of March 2017 and is scheduled for five years.
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  • Farahat, Anuscheh/Hildebrand, Marius/Violante, Teresa (eds.). (forthcoming in 2024): Transnational Solidarity in Crisis: How Law Shapes Critical Transformations of Our Time, Baden-Baden: Nomos.

  • Farahat, Anuscheh/Arzoz, Xabier (eds.). (2021): Contesting Austerity: a socio-legal inquiry, Oxford: Hart Publishing.

  • Farahat, Anuscheh (2021): Transnationale Solidaritätskonflikte: Eine vergleichende Analyse verfassungsgerichtlicher Konfliktbearbeitung in der Eurokrise, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

Journal Articles

  • Farahat, Anuscheh/Hildebrand, Marius (2020): ‘Demokratie für Deutschland, Austerität für Europa? Grenzen der Solidarität im der Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts’, in: WSI-Mitteilungen, 5/2020, pp. 368-367.
  • Violante, Teresa (2020): ‘Bring Back the Politics: The PSPP Ruling in Its Institutional Context’, in: German Law Journal 21, 5, pp. 1045-1057.

  • Violante, Teresa (2019): ‘The Eurozone Crisis and the Rise of the Portuguese Constitutional Court’, in: Quaderni costituzionali, 1/2019, pp. 208-211.
  • Farahat, Anuscheh/Krenn, Christoph (2018): ‘Der EuGH in der Eurokrise: Eine konflikttheoretische Perspektive’, in: Der Staat, 57, 3, pp. 357-385. 
  • Machete, Pedro/Violante, Teresa (2018): ‘O princípio da proporcionalidade e da razoabilidade na jurisprudência constitucional, também em relação com a jurisprudência dos tribunais europeus’, in: Anuário Português de Direito Constitucional, VIII, 2012-2014, pp. 89-182.


Contributions to Edited Volumes

  • Farahat, Anuscheh (2023): Adjudicating Transnational Solidarity Conflicts: Can Courts Ban the Destructive Potential?, in: Mark Dawson (ed.): Substantive Accountability in Europe's New Economic Governance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, § 10, pp.217-239.
  • Violante, Teresa (2023): Judicial Accountability of Financial Assistance in the Case of Eurozone Debtor Countries, in: Mark Dawson (ed.) Substantive Accountability in Europe's New Economic Governance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, § 11, 2023, pp.240-266.
  • Farahat, Anuscheh (2021): Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit und Gewaltengliederung im europäischen Rechtsraum: Eine vergleichende Analyse, in: von Bogdandy, Armin et al.  (eds.): Ius Publicum Europaeum, Bd. VII, Heidelberg: C.F. Müller, § 125.
  • Farahat, Anuscheh (2020): The German Federal Constitutional Court, in: von Bogdandy, Armin et al. (eds.): MP Handbook of Public Law in Europe, Vol. III, (english version of aforementioned).
  • Garoupa, Nuno/Solanes Mullor, Joan/Violante, Teresa (2019): Constitutional Courts and National Parliaments in Spain and Portugal”, in: Fernandes, Jorge M./Leston-Bandeira, Cristina (eds.): Iberian Legislatures in Comparative Perspectives. London: Routledge, 2019, pp. 241-256. 
  • Violante, Teresa (2019): The Portuguese Constitutional Court and its Austerity Case Law, in: Costa Pinto, António/Conceição, Pequito (eds.): Political Institutions and Democracy in Portugal: Assessing the Impact of the Eurocrisis, London: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 121-143.
  • Violante, Teresa/André, Patrícia (2019): The Constitutional Performance of Austerity in Portugal, in: Ginsburg, Tom et al. (eds.): Constitutions in Times of Financial Crisis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 229-260. 
  • Farahat, Anuscheh (2018): Konflikte um Solidarität und Inklusion vor dem EuGH: Zum Bedeutungswandel der Unionsbürgerschaft, in: Eigmüller, Monika/Tietze, Nicola (eds.): Ungleichheitskonflikte in Europa: Jenseits von Klasse und Nation, Springer VS, pp. 233-262.
  • Hildebrand, Marius (2018): Emanzipation und Demokratie jenseits der Aporien eines anti-soziologischen Egalitarismus. Ernesto Laclaus politische Ontologie als Antwort auf Jacques Rancières Soziologiekritik, in: Linpinsel, Thomas/Lim, Il-Tschung (eds.): Gleichheit, Politik und Polizei: Jacque Rancière und die Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 9-29.
  • Hildebrand, Marius/Séville, Astrid (2018): Post-foundationalism and the Possibility of Critique: Comparing Laclau and Mouffe, in: Marttila, Thomas (ed.): Discourse, Culture and Organization: Inquiries into Relational Structures of Power, Basingstoke, 2018, pp. 323-342.
  • Violante, Teresa/Gil, Ana Rita (2017): La jurisprudence constitutionnelle portugaise et les questions qui divisent la société, in: Connil, Damien/Löhrer, Dimitri (eds.): 40 ans d’application de la Constitution portugaise. Institut Universitaire Varenne, pp. 169-194.
  • Farahat, Anuscheh (2016): Das Bundesverfassungsgericht, in: von Bogdandy, Armin et al. (eds.):Ius Publicum Europaeum, Bd. VI, Heidelberg: C.F. Müller, § 97, pp. 81-158.
  • Violante, Teresa (2013): Judicial Function in Context: Contextualising the Debate on Judicial Activism in the US Supreme Court and the European Court of Justice, in: Barcelos, Paulo/de Angelis, Gabriele (eds.). The Long Quest for Identity. Political Identity and Fundamental Rights Protection in the European Union. London: Peter Lang, pp. 129-219.


Book Reviews

  • Hildebrand, Marius (2019): ‘“One heart for another nation“. Linke Intellektuelle beobachten die Konjunktur ethno-populistischer Politisierungen als Kehrseite neoliberalen Regierens und entdecken die Nation für sich‘, in: Soziologische Revue, 42, 3, pp. 418-439.


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