On 24 April the tsc-team will organize a panel talk on "Constitutional identity in Europe: Between recognition and conflict" at Goethe University Frankfurt. The panel will be composed of Prof. Dr. Liav Orgad (European University Institute Florence), Prof. Dr. Christoph Burchard (Goethe University Frankfurt), Prof. Dr. Stefan Kadelbach (Goethe University Frankfurt) and Dr. Anuscheh Farahat. The panel talk seeks to assess the constitutional role and political effects of the concept of “constitutional identity both in EU and in domestic law. The core question is, to what extent this concept either produces new conflicts or helps ensuring recognition of plural constitutional traditions and concepts in the EU. Venue: Room 1.301 Building RuW, Goethe-University Campus “Westend”, 6 p.m.. Engaged listeners are very welcome.
Anuscheh Farahat supports Matthias Goldmann's proposal for corona bonds
Kristina Schönfeldt's Blogpost on German Practice in International Law
Teresa Violante's and Rui T. Lanceiro's blogpost on the coping with Covid-19 in Portugal
Anuscheh Farahat's intervention on the Verfassungsblog
Anuscheh Farahat and Teresa Violante on constitutional review in times of austerity
Teresa Violante on the Recent Decision of the Portuguese Constitutional Court
Marius Hildebrand together with Astrid Séville and Conrad Lluis Martell on Soziopolis
Teresa Violante's opinion on the possible introduction of the constitutional complaint in Portugal
Anuscheh Farahat about transformative constitutionalism on the international law blog
Marius Hildebrand on the Swiss People's Party as avantgarde of the New Right in Europe