"Bring Back the Politics: The PSPP Ruling in Its Institutional Context"

Teresa Violante's interpretation of the PSPP Ruling of the German Federal Constitutional Court

Sep 2nd, 2020

Teresa Violante has contributed to a Special Section of the German Law Journal[1]  on ‘The German Federal Constitutional Court’s PSPP Judgment’. In her article[2] she argues how the PSPP ruling of the German Federal  Constitutional Court has paved the way for a catching up politicisation of technocratic financial governance in Europe.


  1. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/german-law-journal/issue/2B8FC6A5AA49C5C092EDEDE17B72B800
  2. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/german-law-journal/article/bring-back-the-politics-the-pspp-ruling-in-its-institutional-context/23A19B3A35B3AD1FCA315CDAE513F9B9